Friday, December 3, 2010

Isabelle Huppert

is an actress whom I've most recently discovered in a movie called The Piano Teacher. A french film by Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke.

She portrays a sadomasochistic piano teacher who loves Schubert.
She has weird sexual fetishes because her father was also a crazy pianist and her mother is overprotective. And we all know how overprotective mothers lead to psychosis.
Just ask Norman Bates.
One of her students falls in love with her and she basically turns him out. (See the Ebonics dictionary if you aren't down with the lingo.)
Shes crazy from beginning to end with her only redeeming quality being that she can play the hell outta some Schubert. The movie actually put me on to Schubert and I've recently had him on serious replay status, especially the films signature piece the Andantino from Sonata 959. He also has many other lovely pieces which I've been enjoying.
I wanted to talk about Isabelle Huppert.
Shes very pretty but she doesn't wear alot of make up, and she doesn't really "sell sex." I must point this out because I am an American, and well, thats what all actresses worth their salt do here in America. But Isabelle Hupperts appeal isnt in her hips and breasts. Its in her eyes.
She is merely a vehicle in which to express a simple talent - acting. She channels the characters from her own active imagination and approaches her craft from a technical and seemingly objective point of view. Shes not interested in "getting to know" her characters, as people. She looks at characters as archetypes, and actors as vehicles to communicate the ideas carried in the script, the story, the director, the mood of the film, and the characters themselves.
In other words, go see The Piano Teacher and have your mind blown.

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